colored cubes have always fascinated me.
who hasn't seen the all-famous rubik's cube? the 6-faced 6-colored 3X3X3 wonder that had me marvelling at the beauty of its symmetry and geometry for hours together at a stretch. the puzzle which gave me immense satisfaction when i figured out, all by myself, how to solve one face. but then, however much i strained my puny little brain, i couldn't figure out a strategy to solve it in its entirety, and had to resort to cheating by looking the solution up. solving it is still my favorite pastime, and i try to get faster and faster at it. right now though, i'm no where close to the gifted 'speed-cubers', who can solve a scrambled cube in under 20 friggin' seconds.
anyway, then came the rubik's revenge:
and the professor's cube:
i haven't dared to lay my hands on either one . . . . . yet!! why, you ask? have you ever laid your hands on a rubik's cube? if you did, you'd know why.
moving on, do you think people would stop there? oooooooooh no siree. because people are crazy. so they went on to create an extended version of rubik's cube in 4 dimensions!! it looks like this when projected onto a screen:
if you think that's mad, how about this? a bunch of freaks took that concept one huuuuuuuuuuge step further and extended it into 5 - that's right - five bloody dimensions!! when you project that onto a mere 2 dimensional screen, you're bound to get dizzy:
and the last time i checked, there were three actual people who solved the 5d version. they're members of the 'hall of insanity' - yep they're not famous, they sure are insane. after knowing the existence of such freaks, now i have all the guts needed to attack the rubik's revenge followed by the professor's cube. if i'm still alive after solving these, i'll try to look at these 4 and 5 dimensional ones.
oh, and there are plenty of other such puzzle games for those who're interested:
here's presenting the square1:
and the pyraminx:
and the megaminx:
makes me wonder what else exists in the world of mathematics? i'm gonna solve these (atleast make an attempt to solve these) someday.
for now, i ran into another interesting puzzle game. here it is. unlike the scary ones presented above, this game's actually (relatively) easily solvable. go ahead rack your brains :)
p.s. - all images have been taken from wikipedia, except the 4d one which has been taken from whatever showed up on google images, and the 5d one which has been taken from a link on a recent post on /.
yep, racked the brain with the puzzle. but dude, you are SCARING us(microscopic brains) with all these images.
Still not up from the 5-d shock, imagining what a 5th dimension would be like.
From the lines of the famous Gibran - "I am just a grain of sand in the infinitely large shore". :(
man you're great. you're imagining what a 5th dimension would be like? i'm still stuck trying to figure out what a 4th would be like ;))
anyway, take a look at what a bunch of students developed as part of their project:
i guess the link didn't wrap around. so here it is again, broken into 2 pieces:
canĀ“t get past level 16. help!
here you go:
this site contains the solutions to levels 16 through 30, except 23. replace the last two digits with the desired level number.
the solution to 23 is here:
hope that helps.
once you're done with all 30 levels, let me know how many you had to cheat through, ok?
same locations but clickable links this time:
levels 16 through 30 except 23
level 23
Dude, did you find anyone who cracked the 16th level?
Now a doubt. Were you told beforehand that level 16 was tough? Just thinking of the possibility of a pre-conceived notion that 'level-16 is impossible' making it really unsolvable ;)
same case with 23 !!
Have u feeling u stumbled onto these cubes after searching a lot for bubbles...
ok... struck on level 19... thanks for the help link too. Am going nuts with this
to answer your question, psychological studies have indeed proved what you doubt to be true in most humans. unable to recall the scientific term for it though. but in our case, i think we're simply not persistent enough to keep trying because we know that we have the option of cheating :)
yep - those bubbles and these cubes are oh so similar - all colorful :)
didn;t want to cheat...but i did :(
it's ok to cheat a.g. everyone does it :) do you really want to be *that* exclusive and different from the rest of the mortals?
thank you. that's so sweet of you. i appreciate your reply :]
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